Thursday, January 14, 2010

Through Then Lens Thursday #23

Baby Girl finally lost another tooth this week. It's been 5 months since she lost her first one. This particular tooth has been loose forever but just not loose enough to come out. The adult tooth actually came in behind the baby tooth so I'm sure that's why it took so long to come out. If you look closely you can see the adult tooth already starting to fill in the gap. This tooth probably could have come out a day or two earlier but Baby Girl is not a tooth puller. She lets them stay in until they fall out on their own. And this one did just that on the bus ride home from school on Tuesday. She came barreling off the bus shouting "I lost my tooth! I lost my tooth!" She was so excited she could hardly sleep that night. She told me yesterday that she kept waking up every 10 minutes the night before in anticipation of the Tooth Fairy's visit. And she woke me up at 5 a.m. to let me know the Tooth Fairy had made it. I managed to mumble something vaguely enthusiastic and told her to go back to bed. We got to relive the excitement when it was time to get up for school yesterday morning. So now she's sporting a cute and very temporary gap. I'm sure that adult tooth will have it filled in in no time since it's already through.

Each Thursday I share a glimpse at life through the lens. If you'd like to participate leave a link to your blog post below. Please keep links family friendly.