Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's All The Hullabaloo?

We recently discovered the game Hullabaloo. It's a sort of crazy take on the classic Twister game. You are instructed to make different moves, say silly words, and do funky dances throughout the game. There are lots of different combinations so the games are always different.
My girls absolutely love this game but to be perfectly honest with you, The Man and I do too. With this game there are lots of laughs and silliness in abundance which suits our family perfectly.
We enjoy board games but this game definitely ups the fun factor.
And if you win, you are encouraged to do a funky victory dance. You can see Baby Girl doing hers here. So do you Hullabaloo too?


Katrina said...

We've had this game for a couple of years, the kids love it! In fact they had it out the other night and my DH played with our daughter. It was quite sweet to watch. It is definitely a *thumbs up* game.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hey there, thanks so much for coming by last week and for saying hello. I hadn't heard of this game but always loved Twister!!!!!!!!!

Take care!